Lucky are those born in the 90s 

The golden period, The 90s. 

It is this generation of people who have enjoyed life to the fullest in the best possible ways. That time there was no much technology and probably that is the reason those people lead a much better and healthy life. These days children as young as a few months old have knowledge on operating a mobile or a laptop or any other gadget for that matter. Earlier generations had access to these smart technologies in middle age of their life starting from the very basic model of mobiles which solved only the purpose of making and receiving calls. Since there was no gaming in mobiles so children got the opportunity to go and play outdoors which kept them fit and healthy. Nowadays children are equipped with a lot of technology that they are totally indulged in it and often end up being introverts. No much social interactions with others makes them sophisticated. They tend to take things more casually and often don’t realize the seriousness of things in life. This way they end up growing as a very pampered child which in some way spoils them. The happiness achieved on sharing our thoughts with someone or sending quality time with our family is the best satisfaction one can get. The happiness and peace of mind one gets on helping a needy person is not comparable to anything else. Those who are born with technology do not understand these small things in life which in turn grow up to be major problems for them. They are often of the mindset that being modern with money can fulfill all their dreams and can buy them everything in life. But the fact remains that money can only buy them gadgets and not happiness or peace or true satisfaction. 

The 90s generation have spent a worthy childhood being realistic and have enjoyed small small things in life to the fullest! 

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